Instead of writing an Essay I attempt to Blog……

I am in the process of writing an essay on Trust and Trustworthiness within large professional organisations. I have put myself under serious time constraints with my consistent procrastination….. and today I even outdid my previous achievements… I set up a blog….. I do not have any idea about blogs. I do not follow other blogs… but this was how I spent my day for study…….. I am a complete fool and I only have myself to blame. Any suggestions on how to improve this blog or the like let me know….. I feel like Joey from Friends when I say the trust, and the trusting and the trustworthiness… ie. ‘the giving and the receiving’…. Honestly I feel like my point is not strong enough and I am afraid of my supervisors reports. Any else out there in this position??? #Friends #procrastination #fml

Author: somemusingsofacrazyelephant

30ies........ I Like Travel, Sleep and Food.... animals....... I Dislike Pineapples and rudeness

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