September 2019

Hi…It has been over 2 years since my last post, and one would think I would be bursting with nuggets, tales, anecdotes……but no……well yes…. Does anyone else have so much going on inside and around their head…. like great points (you believe), great notions on saving the world, witty comments(that I subsequently forget) etc etc (that is only the start of what is going on in my head believe me) and then when it comes to getting the words on the page it is like………………………………………………… As I said before in a previous post, (yes over 2 years ago).. I am not a blogger, I still don’t fully understand how this forum works. But for anyone who has read my previous posts… (and I believe there were like 2/3- and one is picture I took up a mountain in Alaska) I did manage to get the thesis in on time for the Masters I was completing, and funnily I did manage to pass. Not with an outstanding achievement award, but i did pass it. That was 2 years ago, and I could not tell you one thing about Ethics or Philosophy now….. Great use of my time and money…but…. it is done.  As usual, I am doing things the hard way. It is now 00.07 on a Sunday night and I have work at 8am…. and here I am writing a ‘blog’.(Do these musings of a crazy elephant actually constitute as a blog?) I will try and commit to this from this day forth and see where it takes… or if not..after another 2 posts I will see you all in about 2 years. As always, any comments or advice is all greatly appreciated. x

Author: somemusingsofacrazyelephant

30ies........ I Like Travel, Sleep and Food.... animals....... I Dislike Pineapples and rudeness

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