23rd September 2019

Hi…. well good morning. So after a non-existent few hours of ‘sleep’ (watch this space), I am up, showered, dressed and ready for work. This is my first day back at work in 2 weeks. The knot in my stomach ever growing as my mind screams at me.. your inbox is going to be overflowing….. I have a sense of dread. 2 weeks of unanswered emails…. I don’t even want to know, I don’t want to face it. But obviously some part of me does, hence why I am up and ready to go out the door with time to spare, which is unheard of in my  life. Always fashionably late… or just late is me……. Does anyone else suffer this Work Return Dread?? If so, how do you deal with it? Is it my job or just the break away? #ReturntoWorkBlues #doievenlikemyjob #whycantisleep #waitingforpayday

I am open to any discussion on the above, and I would be interested in hearing about similar experiences and outcomes. Wish me luck x

Author: somemusingsofacrazyelephant

30ies........ I Like Travel, Sleep and Food.... Vegetarian....baby animals....... I Dislike Pineapples and rudeness

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