A December evening

Good evening folks. It is 16.50 on a dark, chilly December evening on the island of Ireland. My island. I am again, returning to my source of income after 9 glorious days travelling and chilling. Sigh….. the fear has returned. #doesanyoneelsefeellikethisafterbeingoffwork I am sitting listening to cheesy 80s hits and trying to breath and make peace with the fact I have to be up out of my warm, soft, cosy bed/leaba at 7bells. It is cruel. Oddly I feel ok. I think it is because I am trying to keep my mind busy. I am on the hunt for some fab new Tshirts. I am obsessed with Tshirts, and someday I will make my millions from selling Tshirts. Watch this space……………..  Currently, ‘I want to know what love is‘, by Foreigner is playing… Great Tune…BUT has anyone seen ‘Rock of Ages’, if so you will know what I  am alluding to. Stacee Jaxx and Constance Stack. 😉 Love it!!!! #rockofages  Next up is Barbra Streisand, and ‘Woman in Love‘…… great tune for a sing along!!!

Anyways, yes back to my empire and world domination. The Tshirt business. Cant beat a simple white T, with a message. I’m working on it. Peace x  #anyideasorsuggesstionsgreatlyreceived #help #tshirtsfortheworld #t4dw

Author: somemusingsofacrazyelephant

30ies........ I Like Travel, Sleep and Food.... Vegetarian....baby animals....... I Dislike Pineapples and rudeness

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